Baseball gears up for season

Brady Jones, Staff Writer

Baseball is around the corner and the baseball team is set to make its run, to improve on their impressive last season.

“We sat down with a lot of players in the fall and listened to their goals,” Patrick Hanley, baseball coach, said. “Most talked about the possibility of a Conference championship, a Regional championship, and beyond.”

Even though the team experienced a successful 24-13 season, a quick playoff exit followed, and many of the players are hungry for the upcoming season.

“We’ve been working very hard as a team in the offseason, and I believe it will translate onto the field,” Zach Hafner, senior, said.

Though the team has their sights on the Conference and Regional titles, they all agree on their greatest opponent.

“Our toughest opponent would have to be North,” David Ascencio, senior, said. “We could also be our own toughest opponent; we can’t beat ourselves or it will cost us.”

The team is going through a youth shift, after 14 varsity players graduated last year. But the coaches are optimistic about the young talent.

“We will be young on the mound,” John Rosner, coach, said, “but there is some serious upside. Hopefully our arms will continue to gain velocity and challenge opposing hitters.”

Players are determined to exceed their goals; the baseball program holds work outs before school begins in the morning. Along with lifting, hitting at GoPro a few times a week is crucial to their success.

“It’s a grind,” RJ Kohlstedt, senior, said. “We have to stay committed and mentally tough through our 3-hour practices and offseason lifting opportunities.”

The team feels as if the season ahead looks bright. Younger talent will have their chance to rise, and the veteran players will get the opportunity to capitalize on an impressive last season. A lot of sweat, tears and sunflower seeds will be poured out for the long season, but everyone is all in.