For decades, Disney has made countless movies that both younger and older audiences have cherished. From tales as old as time to tales of Eywa. Though lately, Disney has started to change their well-known classics. One...
After years of having a tough reputation, negative stereotypes, and being hidden in the shadows of traditional athletics, esports are rapidly...
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A new digital pass system, PASS, is being implemented for the 2024-2025 school year in order to crack down on the number of vaping and other inappropriate actions in the bathrooms. Once implemented, the number of students...
Four seniors and 75 juniors were inducted into the National Honor Society (NHS) on Friday, April 26. Steeped in tradition and significance, this ceremony not only recognizes academic achievement but also celebrates the...
MIT fusion professor Anne White met via zoom with AP Physics students in the media center on March 12 due to the efforts of junior Owen Pehle. According to MIT, White is on the senior leadership team at MIT and earned her...
Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Students tap their feet to the beat. When you hear taps you know a masterpiece is being made. The Orchesis students choreographed their own dances and performed them on May 3. “I...
The boys volleyball team is spiking their way into the season. They head into Thursday’s game with a record of 1-5. With only five returning varsity players out of 13 students...
- Entertainment
April 5, 2024
Dimitrios Maras, Staff Writer - Entertainment
March 19, 2024
Lee Hoffee, Staff Writer - Entertainment
February 15, 2024
Hailey Fay, Website Editor - Showcase
February 2, 2024
Shaylah Johnson, Entertainment Editor - Entertainment
December 13, 2023
Natalie Adelmann, Staff Writer
Letters to the Editor
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Locked away behind bars and never to be read again. Their pages and lessons deteriorate in their age. The banned book list has hit over...