Retiring staff to be missed by many
May 5, 2023
After years of serving the school and students, five staff members will retire and pursue other interests.
Jim Coventry, English teacher, Deb Pohlmann, science teacher, and Farsheed Hafezi, teacher’s assistant, are retiring in June. Pat Mladic, registrar, and Jeff Pesavento, head custodian, retired in December.
The retiring teachers will miss the environment of teaching and being around students.
“The kids have treated me great every day for 33 years,”Coventry said.
They have created unforgettable bonds throughout the years while working here. Pohlmann said it was like “maintaining a family, close-knit group”.
Teaching might be for the students, but teachers also learn along the way. Between students and other staff members,these teachers have learned a lot from being in the building.
“Get on the good side of the secretarial and custodial staff. They will be able to help you with so much,” Pohlmann said.
As well as keeping good relationships, they have also learned so much about teaching and communicating with others.
“Each student is unique and you have to master finding the right approach/method to teach each student if they are willing to learn,” Hafezi said.
Coventry plans on continuing his second career as a professional sports writer for RotoWire, as well as traveling to London and Paris after he retires. Pohlmann will be traveling to North Carolina and Colorado; she wants to enjoy the fall season and ride her motorcycle. Hafez i wants to do more charity work, become fluent in Spanish so he can travel to Spanish speaking countries, and work on his band as the lead vocalist to do more professional performances.
Students and staff will miss the retiring teachers, but the impact they had on this community will not be forgotten.
“[Mr. Coventry] taught me to always speak up for myself and it’s okay to go to other people for help,” Skylar Stanich, Student Council president, said. “Especially with being in Student Council, he’s shown me I have a voice in the school.”
Pohlmann’s positive attitude was also something that stuck with her students. The way she smiled everyday and was always happy when they walked in always made their days a little brighter. The small interactions are what students are really going to remember.
“I would thank [Mrs. Pohlmann] for being a positive influence and making class fun,” Grace Marchert, senior, said.
According to administration, Plainfield Central will always be thankful for everything these teachers have done for the time they have been here.
“Once my door is closed, there’s zero stress, because I know what I’m getting from the kids,” Coventry said. “I’m going to miss that.”