Ten staff members retire, look to future

Shannon Tierney, Feature Editor

As seniors leave to begin a new chapter of their lives, ten teachers and support staff will also be moving on: Principal Robert Smith, drivers ed teacher Gary Andrews, economics teacher Joe Zmuda, administrative assistants Gloria Austin, Cretia Iwinski, and Pauline Herbst, teachers aid Nancy McMillian, and custodians Carl Chapman, Kathy Caldwell, and Ray Sebby.

Although they will be retiring, they all have made memories to last a life time.

“One of my favorite memories is the student recognition contests with chocolate milk chugging. I did it, but I threw up right after,” Smith said. He also remembers a Chip and Dale routine seven or eight years ago for the talent show, and dressing up as Superman on top of a golf cart at a pep assembly.

After retiring, Smith plans to not only leave plenty of time for his eight grandkids, but for doing volunteer work and helping out with the homecoming committee. In addition to hunting and fishing, Smith says he has “relatives in Australia and we want to go to South America.”

Smith will remember many students and hopes they remember him as well.

“I hope students remember the kind words I said, and that I was always one to listen and try to be positive,” Smith said.

Zmuda also wants to be remembered in the best possible light for his time as a teacher.

“I want people to remember me putting in a good effort over everything to make it interesting, and making a difference for the students,” Zmuda said.

Iwinski will remember her time here fondly because of all the friendly people and fun events, she said.

“My best memory here is from when Mr. Smith dressed up as Santa Claus,” Iwinski said.

Zmuda has decided to continue working.

“After I’m retired, I plan to start my own business. I’m still trying to figure out the rest,” Zmuda said.

Zmuda will not be the only one to move on to great things.

“I am going to be a dog trainer, and I want to travel after I retire,” Austin said.

Austin has made many memories over the years, and will be holding them close for a long time.

“My favorite memory at this school is defiling Mr. Puklin’s office with Green Bay Packers stuff. I like messing with him,” Austin said.

After almost 20 years, Herbst will miss “watching students come in as freshman and graduate as young ladies and gentlemen.”

“Enjoy your high school years; they really are the best time of your life,” Herbst said.

Carl Chapman, custodian for 21 years, is going to miss the energy.

“The comings and goings is like a city,” Chapman said. He will now be splitting his time between living in Phoenix and Plainfield.

“Through my union there is a retirement group in Phoenix,” Chapman said.

Of all the schools he’s worked in, he enjoyed Central because of the nice people and that there was “never a dull moment.”