Students shed light on Irish dancing with upcoming holiday


Morgan Carlton participates in the North American Irish Dance Championship in Montreal in 2022.

Maddy Veghts, Feature Editor

Preparing with the self tanner and teasing hair to go on stage to perform, Irish dancers use all legs in critical movement to impress the audience
According to Wikipedia Irish step dancing is a traditional dance originating in Ireland before the seventh century but there are minimal records of the fact. It is a big part of Irish culture and used in Irish nationalist movements. The St. Patrick’s day festivities are a part of the heritage for Irish nationalities and the use of the dance is to demonstrate the fact that the culture will not be lost within future generation. There are many types that include different step dancing.
Morgan Carlton ,junior, has been Irish dancing for about 9 years at the Hughes Farrelly company.
“My cousin brought me to a class one day, and I just fell in love with it,” Carlton said.
She was glad to find it because she has made a lot of new friends and they are able to spend time doing something they love together.
“It’s a place where you can go and get away from anything else,” Carlton Said.
The technique enough makes people have to focus on the sole move and what comes next that the worries fade.
“I still do it because I love my friends and I love to challenge myself.” Elle Thompson, senior, said.
She still dances at Weber Irish Dance Company and wouldn’t change anything about the experience.
The dances are about one to two minutes to perform but the shows can be up to seven minutes and the practices can be harsh. There are multiple different types of dancing which are mainly solos, but there is also the ability to do group dances in even numbers. Thompson used to perform at her elementary talent shows just as a way to practice and show off her talent to an audience.
“I still dance because I love to challenge myself,” Elle Thompson
The dancers have to practice four times a week, but it can be fun. They were able to perform at the Rialto, but according to Carlton the downside is costumes, big hair, and the tanner.
“There is nothing I would change about the experience, it has taught lots of lessons,” Carlton said.
Dancing is a way to express individuality in a form of moving one’s body but people decide that the time dedicated can be spent going something else. But dancers will never all out of love with dancing.
“I will stop dancing when I graduate because it’s impractical to continue while in college,” Thompson said.