Requiring core classes is best for students


Sara Rand, Opinion Editor

You’re sitting in your 5th period algebra classroom. The hot air makes it hard to focus and you start to think “why am I even here” and “when am I ever going to use what I learn in here”. The truth is you won’t, but you are learning foundational skills that will help later.

For example, if you don’t know a word, you’re taught to look it up. In school we are taught that there is always an answer, and we learn many ways to find the right source to answer those questions.

The curriculum schools teach lead into each next year, they build on the knowledge students have already, and without the insight, future education might be difficult or useless.

But should high schools be taking greater steps to set students up for their future career paths?

Meaning should they be having kids choosing their future careers in high school, when they are not even legal adults, and have all their classes directed towards the occupation they have chosen, like going to university, as a 15-year-old.

According to the National Center for Education, about 80 percent of college students in the United States end up changing their majors at least once while they are in school. If someone who is considered an adult can’t always decide what they want to do for the rest of the time they are in the workforce, why would schools allow young teenagers to do the same.

Rather than forcing students into starting their career path at such a young age, schools allow those students who want to get a head start to attend WILCO, where students can take a course that will teach them the basics of their desired employment.

It would not be beneficial to schools to change their curriculum focus when they already have a program in place that works and gives everyone a fair choice.