Be a Wildcat!


Armani Moten, Blog Editor

What does it mean to be a wildcat? Well it has a different meaning for everyone, but every meaning is similar to the next. The current school year has proved that being a wildcat is a big deal. So many great things have happened that have made us proud to be called a wildcat. For example, winning our first football game in five years and to complete the rise, having the best homecoming known to man.

But if you think about it being a “Wildcat” isn’t just about being at all the football games or having the best spirit during homecoming week. It’s how you carry yourself throughout your four years of being here, how you prepare yourself for the stage of your life. What wildcat means to me is being honest, intelligent, hardworking, and determined. Making sure you put your best foot forward for everything.

Now I know there are days when you want to quit and not care, but persistence is the best thing. It all starts with a positive attitude. Believing in yourself and the things that you have and will accomplish. For the graduating class of 2018, remember when we had the freshman assembly when Bob Smith stood in front of us and told us about the target points of being successful? All the freshman sat there and didn’t take in what he was saying. But in reality, he was right, there are target points for everyone to achieve their goals.

You have to be confident! Have a great work ethic and don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is a pathway to greatness if you stay on the right path.