Student qualifies for national merit scholarship

Kaley Murray, Photo Editor

  Gillian Camacho, senior, is among one of the 16,000 semi-finalists for the 2020 National Merit Scholarship. The program rewards approximately 7,500 scholarships to deserving high school students nationwide.
By receiving a PSAT score in the top 1%, Camacho was named a National Merit Semi-Finalist in September. For her to become a finalist, she must have an impressive academic record, be endorsed by the principal, earn SAT scores that confirm PSAT scores, and submit an extensive application with a detailed essay.
“I made sure I put extra-curricular activities on [the application] that were different from each other,” Camacho said. “I decided to make my essay more personal than academic because they’ll already be looking at my grades and test scores, but they won’t know much about who I am as a person, and I think that’s important.”
Her personality makes her stick out, according to teachers.
“What Gillian brings to class is amazing.  She brings a work ethic that keeps the students around her going,” Samantha Kukuk, AP Literature teacher, said.
Camacho doesn’t bring her all to just her AP Literature class, though.
“Gillian has an amazing work ethic. She uses her time efficiently and completes all assignments,” Jacquelyn Barkemeyer, AP chemistry teacher, said.
According to the National Merit Scholarship Program, the students they select show perseverance and an understanding that every subject is significant.
“She understands the importance of time management.  But she also understands how what she learns today will shape what she does tomorrow,” Kukuk said.